About Us
Here at Hornets Pest Solutions, we make quality and integrity our highest priority. We strive for your utmost satisfaction when it comes to getting rid of pests. Protecting your home is very important to us! For those reasons, we provide quality service and protection that is unmatched. We specialize in protecting against all common pests, but customize your protection plan to what you need to get the job done, and to keep it that way year-round!
Our Services
Hornets Pest Solutions offers general pest control services for HOA’s and all residential and commercial structures. We offer one-time, monthly, bi-monthly, and quarterly service packages.
We always offer a free, personalized estimate. We pride ourselves in our quality workmanship and reliability and we back that up with a 30 Day guarantee.
Hornets Pest Solutions is a fully licensed, bonded & insured pest control company servicing Los Angeles county.
Insects– A general insect service spray will eliminate all general pests from your home; ants, spiders, crickets, and all other bugs that have already or may invade your home.
Specialty- Need someone for the tough jobs? We specialize in treating bee swarms, beehive treatment, beehive removal, rabbits, and snakes.
Trapping- Need to remove nuisance wildlife from your home or workplace? Trapping services include coyotes, opossums, raccoons and skunks.
Exclusions– We work hard to inspect and identify small, hidden entry points where pests can enter your structure. We seal off access points where nuisance wildlife and rodents have entered your home through.
Rodents- Rodent control services include eliminating gophers, ground squirrels, mice, rats from your
yard, home, HOA or business. These are relentless pests that can cause serious damage to your home or
surrounding foundation.
Why Choose Us
Hornets Pest Solutions is dedicated to treatment personalization, education and attention to detail, which provides homeowners the best service in the business. We believe the best service achieves the best, long-lasting results.
Hornets Pest SolutionsReliability
It is our goal to partner with costumers and offer not only exceptional customer service, but also offer service from someone you can trust in your home, backyard, around your pets and in your workplace. When we create a custom plan to get rid of pests, we will get rid of your pests!
We are proud members of our community. We strive to uphold the best relationships with our customers. A great job done requires an excellent line of communication. Give us a call today and speak with one of our highly trained, personable technicians!
Hornets Pest Solutions is a family run business. We understand everyone has a busy day-to-day schedule. We know you don’t have time to deal with the ongoing stressors created by pests in your home. We are committed to making service easy, consistent and flexible.
Client Testimonials

Spring Deal!
Bring in the Spring with our special offer! For a limited time only- Sign up today with no commitment, $125 for your initial general insect spray.
Hornets Pest Solutions is a fully licensed, bonded & insured pest control company servicing Los Angeles & Kern counties. Structural Pest Control Business License: PR 8923 • DPR “Agricultural” Pest Control Business License: 46045 • Department of Fish & Game License: TP- 10162.